Sunday, November 20, 2011

Green bee eaters

Sunday morning ..

Misty mornings of Bhopal and one of the best places to be in is Van Vihar, You are greeted by whistling seasick, seasick call  with flights of teals over water ponds. Hundreds of teals will cross over you as you stand and admire their beauty....A gregarious duck known as lesser whistling ducks as seen today morning.. ..

Sunday, May 15, 2011

World Migratory Day Special

A special bird watching canp was organised to mark the world migratory day at Van Vihar. Van Vihar Director J S Chauhan, birder & conservationist Lalit Shastri, Satyanand, Indian Forest Service Officer, A S Khare Assitant Director Van Vihar were the resource person for the camp. About 20 people participated in the same. The unique thing of the day was flight of the white necked stork from its nests, sighting of golden oriole and rosy starling during the camp ! And off course teals in air, was site to see ! Later on participants were shown movie titled as Water Birds of Bhopal, produced by Lalit Shastri.

Text & Pics by anil gulati

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Where is the Speedbreaker ?

Signboard on the 'jarring and ever expanding' concrete road in Van Vihar in Bhopal.  Where is the speed breaker ? or the sign board was not being used and was dumped here ?

Someting needs to change here !

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Interesting !

Interesting four wheeler under the parking sign in Van Vihar !

Enjoying the sun !